lifetime return
At Impact Financial Life Planning, we adhere to a low-cost, diversified “passive” approach to investing. We believe that your lifetime return is a product not only of your investment choices but, even more significantly, your investment behavior.
The pillars of our investment philosophy encompass the following:
1) Align Investments With Goals & Time Horizon

Proper investment planning starts with us getting to know you. If the goal an account serves isn’t clear, it's hard to know how to manage it, and it’s hard to track how well you are progressing towards your goal. To provide clarity, we encourage our clients to align each investment account with their goals and the anticipated time horizon of that goal. A proper asset allocation is designed to match an investor’s needs. Investing without knowing your goals, is like choosing your method of transportation (car, boat, plane, train) before deciding on a destination. Proper investing requires a clear roadmap for the highest probability of long-term financial success.

2) Focus on Expenses & Tax-Efficiency

Expenses and taxes have an unquestionable impact on investment results. They are also two areas where we have considerable control. In investing, there are countless factors that are out of our control, so it’s imperative to take the reins of the things that we can control. We focus intently on expenses & taxes and strive to minimize them whenever possible.

3) Manage Investment Risk

Investing inherently carries a certain degree of risk, this is an unavoidable truth. Without risk, there would be no opportunity for returns. This concept is commonly known as the market risk premium, which represents the rate of return expected from an investment with inherent risk. We must acknowledge that markets are fundamentally unknowable and making market predictions is futile. Once we acknowledge this reality, we can construct a portfolio that is designed to optimize the level of investment risk that corresponds to each client’s goals and time horizon. Our role entails effectively managing investment risk by deliberately emphasizing asset allocation, diversification, and rebalancing.

4) Long-Term Focus

We are not market timers and we do not pretend to know if the next 10% move in the market will be down or up. However, we can reasonably ascertain the direction of the markets over the long term. Our conviction lies in the belief that the most effective strategy involves a disciplined approach based on a clearly defined and purposefully crafted investment game plan. This plan is designed to assist you in achieving your goals. Remember: "It's about time in the market, not timing the market!"