Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to live in Maryland to work with you?

Nope! We can work with clients all over the United States. Our firm is equipped to meet with clients and potential clients virtually through Zoom video conferencing software

How are you paid?

We are a fee-only firm. This means we are only paid from our clients for the services we provide. We don’t sell products and we never receive commissions. Just like you, I hate hidden costs!

How are you different from other financial advisors?

Our firm distinguishes itself from others through several significant factors:

1. Our firm caters to clients at any stage of their financial journey and doesn’t cling to financial planning rules of thumb, ensuring we can effectively assist a diverse range of individuals with their unique financial needs

2. We do not impose any account minimums. Unlike many firms that require you to have a significant amount of assets (sometimes upwards of $1 million or more) before taking your call, we understand that everyone has to start somewhere

3. We opt for a casual and relaxed atmosphere, free from fancy suits and ties. Our aim is to foster a comfortable environment that encourages open and non-judgmental conversations, enabling us to explore all the potential avenues for managing your finances.

Who is not a good fit for Impact Financial Life Planning?

We enjoy working with clients from many different walks of life. Nevertheless, it's essential to acknowledge that we may not be the optimal match if our investment philosophies do not align. It's also worth noting that we refrain from attempting to time the markets. Lastly, we thrive in partnerships with clients who demonstrate discipline in implementing our recommendations, value a supportive presence throughout their financial planning journey, and possess an open-mindedness towards leveraging our technological resources. As a fully virtual firm, the majority of our operations are conducted online and if you would prefer to strictly meet in-person, we may not be the best fit for your needs

Can I cancel ongoing planning services at any time?

Yes, we understand that circumstances may change. Although we would be disheartened to part ways, you have the freedom to terminate the relationship at any given time. Our clients are responsible for paying their fees on a monthly or quarterly basis, and these fees are billed in advance. Consequently, if you were to cancel our services, we would provide a refund for any portion of the fee that remains unearned from the date of the last fee until the cancellation date

Where will my investments be held if you manage them? How do I keep track of everything?

We partner with Altruist and Charles Schwab to make sure your money is kept safe and secure. We also grant our clients access to their own client portal. You can see all of your accounts, net worth, insurance, spending, etc. all in one place on your computer or phone

How do you approach working with clients?

We firmly believe that each client's financial journey is an unparalleled, once-in-a-lifetime experience. No one else has encountered precisely what you have during your life. Therefore, your financial plan should be a bespoke and tailored solution, designed exclusively for you and your family. Our approach is characterized by hands-on collaboration, ensuring that our clients comprehend their plan, the recommended course of action, and the anticipated outcomes

What is a CFP professional?

The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation serves as an official acknowledgement of expertise in crucial areas such as financial planning, taxes, insurance, estate planning, and retirement. This recognition is owned and conferred by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. Individuals who fulfill the requirements, including passing the CFP Board's initial exams, are granted the designation and are committed to participating in continuing education programs to uphold their skills and certification.

Are you a fiduciary?

Yes. I am legally held to a fiduciary standard and have taken a number of fiduciary oaths.

How do you make referrals to other professionals?

One highly valuable aspect of collaborating with us is the access to our extensive network of professionals. Whether through our existing connections or diligent research, we have the capability and desire to identify experts in almost every field relevant to your personal financial circumstances. It is important to note that we never engage in fee sharing arrangements, and take great pride in ensuring that any referrals we provide are always aligned with your best interests.